Everything You Need to Know about How to Rank on Google

In today’s digital age, any brand needs to have a strong online presence. But how do you measure the strength of your online presence? And how can people find your business?

Judging your presence on Google’s search engine is a great place to start. With over 3.5 million searches on Google per day, people turn to this specific search engine for just about everything. So using Google searches to determine your online presence’s footprint can give you great insight into how people find your brand. 

In this guide, we’ll go over how to make sure the right articles come up with someone Googles your brand.

What Does it Mean to ‘Rank’ on Google?

The objective for many brands is to rank on Google. Ranking is the term for when people Google a keyword or phrase and a website or article is one of the first on the list to appear. You can ensure that your brand’s articles or website rank through organic search engine marketing. 

Organic search engine optimization (organic SEO) is the practices and methods a brand uses to make sure their articles and website rank on a search engine — usually Google. 

Organic SEO is a key marketing tool for any brand. That’s why we’re going to tell you the methods for making sure you rank the articles and pages you want ranked when people Google your brand. 

Try these tips, and potential loyal customers will see what you want them to when they search for your business. 

1. Create Quality Content

Once upon a time, you could rank well on Google if you just stuffed as many of your desired keywords as possible. We’re here to tell you that those days have ended. 

Now, you’ll need to put a little more thought and effort into your content for effective organic search engine marketing. Google will now give priority to quality content rather than keyword-stuffed content. If your content has nothing to offer the reader, it will not be ranked as highly as good quality content. 

Consider what your brand is all about and what your customers are looking for. Perhaps they’re looking for advice about the solutions your brand provides. Or do they want more information about the problem your brand addresses? 

By creating content your users will find helpful, Google will weigh this content more favorably. If you want searchers to find the right articles, make sure they can easily find high-quality content. 

2. Create More Content

You know the classic adage: less is more. But this doesn’t apply to organic search engine marketing! 

For organic SEO, you want to make sure your brand has a lot of content. Just to give you a glimpse into the world of online content, in March of 2019, over 4.4 million blogs were published every day. With so much content out there, a piece or two of content for one blog isn’t going to make an impact. 

To establish your brand’s online presence, the quantity of content goes hand in hand with quality. If you have to decide between posting three rushed, keyword-stuffed blogs and one well-written blog, go with the latter. However, more high-quality content pieces are better than a few pieces of high-quality. 

Blogging is an easy way of regularly publishing content about your brand while including keywords. You can boost your organic SEO by creating a regular blog that highlights your brand while addressing user’s questions, all while using important keywords. 

3. Long-Tail Keywords

When it comes to organic search engine marketing, you’re not looking to dominate the internet. You don’t need to appear in every Google search someone makes. Instead, you want to rank well for customers who will love your brand and what you offer. 

This specialization in a niche is important in both business and organic SEO. This is where long-tail keywords become an essential tool of organic search engine marketing. 

For example, if your brand specializes in comfortable shoes for women at work, “shoes” is not the ideal keyword to focus on. There are thousands are shoe brands, many of which have been around longer and have more authority with search engines. 

However, if you focus on a long-tail keyword like “comfortable high heels for work”, this will work better for you in two ways. For one, you’ll be able to focus on ranking more easily for this long-tail keyword. Additionally, you’ll be able to target customers who are more likely to love your brand’s product. 

4. Acquire Backlinks

Google highly ranks brands that are experts, authoritative, and trustworthy. They judge this by looking at whether other websites trust your brand. 

To know if other websites view your brand as an expert, authoritative, and trustworthy is by judging the number of backlinks your brand has. Backlinks are links that are included in another website’s content that lead to your brand. 

You can build backlinks by making connections with bloggers, influencers, or brands from different niches. By forming these connections and building your backlinks, your organic search engine marketing will be more effective. 


You want to help form the narrative of your brand. To do this online, it’s important to know what articles about your brand will rank. 

If you would like for certain articles to rank, make sure you use these organic SEO methods. By building backlinks, using long-tail keywords, and publishing high-quality content frequently, you can rank the best articles for your brand on Google.